3D Tensegrity Objects

On the heels of an already-impressive evolution in 3D printing technology, a Georgia Tech research team is using the Tensegrity method to shape-shift 3D objects from their flattened version to their real-world size. Designed to maximize space on NASA shuttle missions, the team uses hot water at 149-degrees to initiate the transformation from collapsed structure […]

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Engineers at NASA’s Langley Research Center are currently flight testing an autonomous VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft designed to explore hard-to-reach areas on the planet Mars. The end goal is to discover sites ideal for human habitation on Mars using high-tech drones. Called the “Mars Electric Flyer” project, NASA is already putting its VTOL […]

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Boeing has unveiled its “Boeing Blue” spacesuit designed to bring astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS). Meanwhile, Elon Musk’s commercial flight company SpaceX has hired a Hollywood superhero costume designer Jose Fernandez to create its Ironman-like spacesuit. The only requirements: make it look awesome. They hired the right guy for the job.

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