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bionic, lens

iReviews Shopping Assistant Find the best prices for this and many other products with our chrome extension. Get the best prices now Biological augmentation is a staple of science fiction that never goes out of style. Taking a miracle IQ-increasing pill, having binocular vision, or using robotic arms to lift a car are all commonplace. […]

hydrogen, light, fat

Solar energy steals most of the spotlight these days when it comes to renewable energy. But hydrogen fuel has always remained a promising candidate for a green energy source. Hydrogen never hit its stride like solar did; it never became exponentially easier or cheaper to produce and distribute over time. But U.S. and Russian scientists […]

Medical Camera, Edinburgh

Published in the journal Biomedical Optics Express, scientists at the University of Edinburgh and Heroit-Watt University have developed a light-detecting medical camera capable of seeing through the body. Designed to help physicians locate instruments like endoscopes while traversing inside a patient’s body, the camera prototype is well beyond the current technology.

california, renewable

The Golden State may be getting a little greener. The state Assembly of California will likely be voting on Senate Bill 100. The bill calls for incremental steps towards a completely clean grid by 2045 through 100% renewable energy generation. California is already ahead of the majority of the United States in terms of renewable […]

Smart Rescue Kits

According to the American Red Cross, Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) could save up to 50,000 lives each year. It also suggests that Americans should always be within four minutes from an AED and someone trained to use it. So what makes AEDs so groundbreaking in First Aid? They’re easily accessible, simple to use, and highly […]

forward, medical

Disruption is permeating all industries, and the healthcare field is no exception. A man recently underwent 3D printed skull implant surgery. Scientists are working on making food from thin air and electricity. Nima’s portable sensor lets you analyze food on the go. Forward, a new company backed by many Silicon Valley veterans, is rethinking the […]

Bosch, X-Spect scanner, food, fabric, textile, portable

If you track your gluten intake, you probably already know about the Nima Portable Food Sensor. It works to measure gluten amounts in your food when you place a sample of your meal into its testing canister. Bosch’s X-Spect scanner is a similar tool; you can measure your food’s freshness in addition to recognizing cloth […]

LG, lawn mower, robot

Mowing your lawn is a bi-monthly (sometimes more) chore that is a rite of passage for many young kids. Your parents might pay you a few bucks for your help. Regardless, you were expected to do a high-quality job in return for some sort of life lesson about hard work. LG has a solution for […]

crispr, eterna

Stanford needs you to play video games. Seriously. In order to improve CRISPR, the famous gene-editing tool, a research group at the Stanford University School of Medicine has created a new challenge for their online video game, EteRNA. The end goal is an RNA molecule that can act as an on/off switch for CRISPR. Stanford […]