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Nanoleaf Aurora

Toronto-based Nanoleaf is taking an entirely different approach toward interior lighting by designing a multi-colored smart panel system that fastens together like Jigsaw pieces. Looking more like an illuminated piece of artwork, the Nanoleaf Aurora is group of 9 energy-efficient, flat LED panels that are triangle-shaped and color-adjustable.

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Smarter iKettle 2.0

Whether you want a dark roast or a light roast, green tea or black, the iKettle is capable of setting any temperature in one-degree intervals – allowing you to experience the ideal coffee temp or the perfect tea steeping time.

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Nest Protect 2.0

Compared to the competition, Nest Protect 2.0 is by far the best smoke and carbon monoxide detector on the market today. Whether it’s activating the convenient in-app “silence” feature or its full integration with other smart devices, Nest’s second-generation smoke detector comes with all of the bells and whistles.

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Nest Thermostat 3.0

The world was introduced to the Nest Thermostat smart climate control system in 2011. The now Google-owned smart home company has launched its third generation Nest Learning Thermostat. Nest’s version 3.0 can only be described as impressive with a new Farsight feature that allows users to spot room temperatures from 20 feet away.

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Microsoft HoloLens

Microsoft HoloLens is the first self-contained, holographic computer, enabling you to engage with digital content and interact with holograms in the world around you. By combining both virtual reality and augmented reality, HoloLens allows you to overlay 3D holograms onto any real-world backdrop.

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Avance MIPS

Introducing Giro’s Avance Multi-directional Impact Protection System (MIPS). Considered to be the world’s most advanced ski helmet on the market today, Giro engineers incorporated four impact protection technologies to safeguard alpine skiers.

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Barracuda Konzu

The Konzu backpack is a chargeable backpack that has a running list of features that protects your belongings from savvy pickpocketers; and at the same time, shields your information from hackers. So if you’re a commuter traveling with a Best Buy inventory of tech gadgets or just someone interested in safeguarding their laptop, the Konzu is the perfect backpack for you.

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The Aurora Tiny House

The Aurora tiny house by Canadian startup ZeroSquared is everything you need and more – all under 340 sq ft. With a full-sized kitchen, brightly-lit bathroom, and an expandable wall, this home is easy to take everywhere. Take a tour of the Aurora tiny house with us.

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gravity blanket

Engineered to be 10% of your body weight, the Gravity blanket has the dual effect of naturally reducing stress and increasing relaxation while you’re reading in bed, curled up on the couch, or simply relaxing with a cup of tea.

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iRobot® Braava jet™ 240

Whether it’s coffee spills, dried soda stains, pasta sauce splatters, or even scuff marks, the iRobot Braava Jet 240 uses Precision Jet Spray technology to strategically clean your floors. Equipped with reusable water-activated cleaning pads, the Braava Jet can sweep a 250 square foot room and mop a 200 square foot room in one session.

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Introducing ShapeScale – a revolutionary 3D scanning device that “digitizes your body shape in less than a minute.” Designed to monitor changes in your body shape over time, ShapeScale uses state-of-the-art 3D scanning technology to panoramically capture a model of your body. Armed with an IR 3D Sensor Head, ShapeScale strategically scans you in photorealistic 3D to give you a visual progress report of your body’s progressions.

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If you can spare five minutes a day, you can harvest 100 clean vegetables every month right from your own home garden. Approximately 10x’s cheaper than buying vegetables at the grocery store, the OGarden organic gardening system allows you to plant, harvest, and then eat veggies right from its mounted unit. It’s literally farm-to-table from the next room. From German Thyme to Greek Oregano, you can choose from a selection of 30 different types of organic plants free of pesticides, preservatives, or pollutants.