Microsoft HoloLens Revolutionizing Home Mobility

In the world of home mobility, ThyssenKrupp Elevator has a stranglehold on the global marketplace with sales reaching 7.5 billion euros during the 2015/2016 fiscal year. To differentiate itself, ThyssenKrupp always finds a way to incorporate the most disruptive technology into its growth plan. The latest: a partnership with Microsoft HoloLens – the first self-contained, […]

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Whether it’s the Microsoft HoloLens, Sony SmartEyeglasses, Meta 2 or the Atheer Air Glasses, the world is starting to embrace the idea of augmented reality technology. AR allows users to engage with digital content in the most immersive way imaginable. From field-of-vision (FoV) to 3D gesture-controlled interaction, Augmented Reality is a versatile platform designed to […]

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The tech world is asking, “What’s the next big thing?” With the Augmented Reality (AR) industry estimated to reach $90 billion in 2020, the answer seems pretty crystal clear. No matter what sector you look at (business, education, healthcare, IT, etc.), the innovation compass is pointing directly at Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and […]

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