hydrogen, light, fat

Solar energy steals most of the spotlight these days when it comes to renewable energy. But hydrogen fuel has always remained a promising candidate for a green energy source. Hydrogen never hit its stride like solar did; it never became exponentially easier or cheaper to produce and distribute over time. But U.S. and Russian scientists […]

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california, renewable

The Golden State may be getting a little greener. The state Assembly of California will likely be voting on Senate Bill 100. The bill calls for incremental steps towards a completely clean grid by 2045 through 100% renewable energy generation. California is already ahead of the majority of the United States in terms of renewable […]

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Solar Powered Gas Stations

Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid sees Dubai as “the city of the future.” To him, that means becoming the city with the smallest carbon footprint in the world by 2050. The first order of business: make rooftop solar power mandatory by 2030. The second order of business: generate 75% of the city’s energy via […]

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It’s no secret. Tesla is an amazing company. All they want to do is protect our planet from CO2 emissions and at the same time, look good while doing it. They now have the greatest clean energy combo plate in production: Tesla’s Model 3 Sedan, the Powerwall 2 home energy grid, and their new tempered […]

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