It’s no secret. Tesla is an amazing company. All they want to do is protect our planet from CO2 emissions and at the same time, look good while doing it. They now have the greatest clean energy combo plate in production: Tesla’s Model 3 Sedan, the Powerwall 2 home energy grid, and their new tempered glass solar panels.

By integrating all three, you can save a tremendous amount of energy. We all know being green is a lifestyle – and if you take the sustainability vow, go for it. Tesla is the trendsetter – the renewable energy master – and if you want the best, there really is no other choice.

In a recent presentation at Universal Studios in Los Angeles, Elon Musk introduced a product that might have slipped under the radar: solar panels. These are no ordinary solar panels, however. They are made out of tempered glass, considered “tough as steel,” and capable of battling the elements over its lifetime.

After the $2.2 Billion dollar acquisition of SolarCity, the biggest U.S. roof installer, Tesla added energy-efficient Tuscan solar panels to its energy portfolio. According to a recent Bloomberg Technology article, “Within two years production, the shingles could account for 5% of the five million roofs installed in the U.S every year,” said Peter Rive, SolarCity’s co-founder and Chief technology officer. To store solar energy, all one needs is an inverter. Just so happens Tesla’s Powerwall 2 solar energy inverter launches this upcoming January.

Powerwall 2 is a compact, stackable, built-in solar energy inverter that can power a two-bedroom home for a full day. In true Tesla fashion, the Powerwall 2 performs like no other inverter on the market. Powerwall can store the maximum amount of solar energy and keep your home separate from the utility grid. It also acts as an energy safety net if your home loses power – keeping your lights, Wi-Fi, and fridge on while your home comes back to life. According to Musk, “you can take a four bedroom house, and power the sockets, lights, and fridge for an entire day.”

Tesla’s clean energy ambitions are certainly strategic. Standing on the set of ABC’s hit TV show Desperate Housewives to launch its partnership with SolarCity, Elon Musk painted the ideal clean energy lifestyle. As described in the Bloomberg article, “the house was topped with sculpted Tuscan solar tiles, where night-time electricity is stored in two-stackable-wall-hung Powerwall Batteries, and where a Model 3 prototype electric car sits parked out front within the reach of the home’s car charger.”

Completing the clean energy circle of life, Tesla’s Model 3 EV is charged by the Powerwall 2 inverter – which in turn, stores energy from solar panels. By itself, the Model 3 is the perfect combination of performance, technology, safety, and spaciousness. To name just a few of its countless features: the Model 3 goes from 0 to 60 mph in under six seconds, travels 215 miles on one single charge, and was designed to achieve the highest safety rating in every category imaginable.

It’s safe to say that Tesla’s clean energy ambitions involved a three-pronged attack: Solar roof, Powerwall 2, and the Model 3 sedan. Having all three would mean living a fully sustainable lifestyle and better yet, being loyal to a company dedicated to eradicating the world’s carbon footprint. Best part of it all, you get to reduce your household’s carbon footprint without sacrificing style. Like Elon Musk so eloquently said during the SolarCity premiere event at Universal: “You’ll want to call your neighbors over and say, ‘check out the sweet roof.’ It’s not a phrase you hear often.”