Designed as a long-term solution for future climate refugees, Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut is putting together a floating Ecopolis prototype called LILYPAD. According to the GIEC (Intergovernmental Group in the Evolution of the Climate), the ocean level should rise from 8 to 35 inches (20 to 90 cm) during the 21st century. A temperature rise […]

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It’s no secret. Tesla is an amazing company. All they want to do is protect our planet from CO2 emissions and at the same time, look good while doing it. They now have the greatest clean energy combo plate in production: Tesla’s Model 3 Sedan, the Powerwall 2 home energy grid, and their new tempered […]

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In a recent interview with Futurism, Pavegen CEO Laurence Kemball-Cook said, “When a person walks, they generate 5 watts of energy continuously, so you are, we all are, a 5-watt power-feed,” he continued by saying, “you can store energy from people.”

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